Utility Contractors Association Supports Objective and Transparent Contracting Practices For Government Projects
(Fairfax, Va.) – The chief executive officer of the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA), Doug Carlson, issued the following statement on the reintroduction of the “Fair and Open Competition Act” in the 118th Congress:
“Rep. James Comer and Sen. Todd Young should be applauded by all NUCA members and their hard-working employees for introducing legislation to promote fair and open competition in business. Competition is a basic building block of modern American business operations, promoting efficiency and reducing costs.”
“The Fair and Open Competition Act protects government construction contracts from project labor agreement mandates and will allow all contractors, including small, women, and minority-owned businesses, to have a fair opportunity at competing to rebuild and improve this nation. All companies need to have a level playing field when competing for the projects to build America.”
“This industry’s hard-won infrastructure legislation is facing enough implementation challenges this year. Passing the Fair and Open Competition Act will help this industry and its employees equitably compete for the contracts to build and repair America’s neglected underground infrastructure. NUCA strongly supports its passage this session.”